Press Releases

Asseco the leader in 7 categories of the ITwiz Best 100 report

Asseco ranked 1st in as many as 7 categories of this year's "ITwiz Best 100" report summarizing the results for 2017. The company is the leader in terms of sales revenues on the Polish market.

Asseco helps Golden Sand Bank to expand with cooperation of IBM

A new German-based division of a Golden Sand Bank will set up its operations on Asseco’s Core Banking solution and IBM Services.

Asseco continues to operate the central insurance system in the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund

The agreement for "Comprehensive operation of IT systems supporting the service of insurance and short-term benefits" was signed on 02.07.2018 and will be valid for the next 4 years. The gross value of the contract...

Asseco is the leader of the Polish IT market according to the Computerworld TOP200 Report

Asseco has ranked first in as many as 7 categories in this year's Computerworld TOP200 report on the Polish IT market. Among others, the company is the leader in the category of custom-made software producers as well as...

International debut of Asseco EBP in Paris

"Corporate Banking Faster Than Ever" - under such a slogan an international debut of Asseco Enterprise Banking Platform (Asseco EBP) took place. It is a modern e-banking solution for corporate customers which was...

Implementation of PROMAK TS on the WSE with the "Project of 2017" title

The implementation of PROMAK TS on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) received a distinction in the 13th Electronic Economy Congress Competition in the category of the "Project of the Year 2017". The award was received by...

Bonjour Corporate Banking!

Asseco will participate at the Efma SME Banking Summit, an international conference to be held on June 13-14 in Paris. The event is addressed to market leaders from the sector of small and mid-sized companies, banks, as...

Very good quarter for the Asseco Group - increase in revenues and profits in the most important business areas

In the first quarter of 2018, the Asseco Group recorded very good financial results. Sales revenues increased by 4% on annual basis to over PLN 2.1 billion. Operating profit amounted to PLN 167 million and was higher by...

Asseco awarded the title of the "Polish Ambassador"

Once again, Asseco has been awarded the title of the "Polish Ambassador" by the weekly "Wprost". The company has been ranked 6th in the list and has found itself among 67 companies with the largest foreign sales.

Adam Góral with the "Visionary" title

Adam Góral is the laureate of the "Visionaries 2018" competition organized by the editorial staff of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. An award ceremony took place on May 15 during the European Economic Congress. The award was...

Asseco with two awards in the "Best in Cloud" competition

Every year, the IDG publishing house selects the best products and providers of cloud solutions. Asseco Data Systems has won the "Best Test and Development PaaS Platform " category and Asseco Poland has received a...

Informacja o przedłużeniu terminu składania ofert w ramach ogłoszonego Zapytania ofertowego nr 4/2018 z dnia 12.04.2018 r.

W związku z realizacją projektu pod nazwą „Utworzenie Centrum B+R w celu opracowywania autorskich technologii i produktów przez pierwszą, międzynarodową Grupę Kapitałową z polskim kapitałem, działającą w sektorze ICT”,...