Press Releases

Asseco among the largest Polish private investors abroad

Asseco took 3rd place in the "Largest Polish Private Investors Abroad 2020" list prepared by the Forbes magazine. The value of Asseco's assets located outside Poland amounted to nearly PLN 4.5 billion, which ensured that...

Asseco the highest-ranked Polish IT company in the list of 500 largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe

Asseco once again confirmed its position as the largest Polish IT company in the CEE region. The company's revenue of EUR 2.5 billion in 2019 secured its 55th place in the TOP 500 CEE ranking. Thus, Asseco recorded a...

Asseco enters the WIG20 index

As a result of an extraordinary adjustment of index portfolios carried out by the Warsaw Stock Exchange Benchmark, Asseco Poland’s shares will be included in the WIG20 index, which includes the 20 largest and most liquid...

Asseco is not slowing down - very good results in all operating segments after three quarters of 2020

After three quarters of 2020 Asseco generated PLN 8.7 billion in sales revenues, which is 13% more than in the corresponding period last year. The sales of proprietary IT products and services accounted for 80% of our...

Asseco implements e-Signature at KRUK Group

KRUK Group is the leader in the debt management sector in Central Europe and the pioneer of pro-settlement strategy. In its processes, the company uses innovative tools which, especially during the pandemic, can...

Asseco the most dynamically developing company on foreign markets

Asseco was ranked 1st in the list of "The most dynamic exporters on the Warsaw Stock Exchange". Last year, the company generated PLN 10.7 billion in revenues, 89% of which was foreign sales, having increased by 19%...

Asseco launches the #BusinessWithoutPaper initiative and joins the Clean Poland Program

Asseco Poland and Asseco Data Systems have launched the #BusinessWithoutPaper initiative to support the digitization of business and the world around us. Thus, Asseco has joined the activities of the national association...

Asseco has implemented advanced, one-time electronic signature in Santander Consumer Bank

The conclusion of credit agreements at Santander Consumer Bank has been accelerated by 30% thanks to a one-time electronic signature. Asseco is responsible for implementing trust services and providing full support,...

Asseco with the "Good Company" award

Asseco won in the "Best Innovator - Large and Mid-sized Companies" category in the "Good Company" competition, organized by the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Statuettes were awarded to the most innovative...

Asseco among "Top Brands 2020"

Asseco is one of the leading software manufacturers in terms of media coverage of its brand. It has been ranked 5th in the list, being at the same time the strongest Polish IT company in the media. In the period from...

Asseco among the largest Polish private companies

Asseco has been ranked 7th in the "100 Largest Polish Private Companies" ranking prepared by Forbes and Haitong Bank. Therefore, the company has once again advanced in the list (in 2019 it was ranked 11th). It is also...

Adam Góral receives the "Leader of Tomorrow" title

The President of Asseco was awarded the Special Editorial Award of ICAN Management Review. The award is granted to leaders for implementing business projects resulting in a spectacular success. Adam Góral was...