Press Releases

Asseco one of the most important companies for Poland according to the "Rzeczpospolita" daily

Asseco was ranked 3rd in the "Most important companies for Poland" list in the "Non-financial companies" category. It is the only IT company to be included in this ranking. The list was prepared by the "Rzeczpospolita"...

Asseco - continued stable growth and strong financial performance

In the first half of 2022, Asseco generated PLN 8.3 billion in revenues, which marked an increase by 22% year-on-year. The sales of proprietary products and IT services went up, compared to the first six months of the...

Asseco won in 14 categories of the "ITwiz Best100" report

Asseco became the leader of the "ITWiz Best100" ranking, taking 1st place in 14 categories of the list. Record revenues of PLN 14.5 billion ensured the company a leading position among the largest capital groups in the...

Adam Góral recognized by Forbes for impressive business model

The founder and chairman of the Asseco Group was recognized in the "50 after 50" poll published by the Forbes magazine. Adam Góral was recognized for his successful business model based on acquisitions, thanks to which...

Wspólna Platforma Informatyczna honored by Gazeta Finansowa

Wspólna Platforma Informatyczna (Common IT Platform – WPI) has been included in the "Best Software for Financial Institutions" list prepared by the editors of Gazeta Finansowa. The platform developed by Asseco is a...

Asseco the leader of the ITwiz Best100 report

Asseco ranked first in three key categories of the ITwiz Best100 report. It became the largest IT company with Polish capital selling its proprietary products and services in 2021, the largest exporter of IT products and...

Adam Góral one of the most successful CEOs of WIG20 companies

The CEO of Asseco was included in the list of "The most effective CEOs of WIG20 index companies in 2021," prepared by the editors of ICAN Management Review Poland. The purpose of the ranking was to identify the leaders...

Asseco partners with PSE to migrate data to CSIRE

Asseco has signed an agreement with the Polish Power Grid (PSE) to execute data migration to the Central Energy Market Information System (CSIRE). The aim of the cooperation is to prepare the data necessary to launch...

Asseco is a leader of digitization in Poland according to Computerworld TOP200 report

Asseco, with revenues of PLN 14.5 billion, took the first place among IT capital groups in the country and once again became the leader of digitization in Poland. Asseco achieved top positions in 11 categories of this...

Companies lack the experts and knowledge to digitize business

For 61% of companies, the biggest barrier to implementing document digitization tools is the lack of specialists in the field, according to an Asseco report titled "The Paperless Gap and Other Challenges on the Road to...

Asseco one of the biggest Polish ambassadors

Asseco took the second place in the "Polish ambassadors" ranking prepared by the editorial team of the Wprost weekly. In this year's ranking, the company with foreign sales of PLN 12.9 billion advanced by one position....

Asseco the largest Polish IT company in the "Wprost" ranking

Asseco has remained in 12th place in the ranking of the "200 Largest Polish Companies 2022" prepared by the editorial staff of the Wprost weekly. Thus, the company has remained the leader of IT companies in this ranking....