Press Releases

Asseco establishes a new company called Asseco Enterprise Solutions in order to integrate its ERP sector competence

Asseco Group has established a new company called Asseco Enterprise Solutions a.s. that will operate as the Group’s competence center for proprietary enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. The establishing of AES...

Asseco created NATO’s IT systems migration strategy

Asseco created an IT systems transfer strategy for one of NATO agencies and, based on the strategy, went on to carry out an example migration. In addition, Asseco developed procedures and implemented tools in the safety...

Orange Poland and Asseco transferred more than 3 million customers to a new billing system

More than 3 million Orange customers using wired services – such as telephone, Internet, and television – are already receiving invoices issued with the new billing system. Asseco performed their safe transfer to a new...

Asseco CBP awarded the Angular Hero of Product

Asseco received an award for the best product using Angular in the Enterprise category. Asseco Customer Banking Platform, Asseco’s proprietary solution, won the prize at the ngPoland Angular Conference 2016 . The...

Asseco Group revenues grow dynamically in the first three quarters of 2016

Asseco Group generated PLN 5.7bn in revenues in the first three quarters of 2016 – that’s 12% more than in the same period in 2015. The net profit attributable to parent company shareholders amounted to PLN 225m after...

Asseco invests in Polish startups

Asseco Group has invested in Modulus, a Polish startup specializing in advanced cloud solutions and services for UI/ UX design. This represents Asseco’s first investment of this kind on the domestic market.

Record-breaking revenues and dynamic growth in foreign markets – Asseco Group reports its results in the first half of 2016.

Asseco Group generated PLN 3.7bn in revenue in the first two quarters of 2016. This represents a 14% increase compared to the first 6 months of 2015. The operating profit rose by 9% year on year – it now stood at PLN...

Asseco expands its activities in the African market

The development of African countries requires intense computerization. This is an opportunity for IT vendors to further grow their businesses in this part of the world. Asseco Group organized a workshop in Angola for...

Asseco Group has a new organizational structure in Poland

Asseco Group completed a number of changes concerning its operation on the Polish market. These were aimed at simplifying the organizational structure and further developing expert competence within individual companies...

Asseco Data Systems and Adobe introduce a new standard for cloud-based electronic signatures

The new industry consortium is introducing open standards for mobile electronic signatures.

Asseco leads the Computerworld Top 200 rankings

Asseco has ranked in the top 5 in 19 categories of the Computerworld Top 200 report. The company has won as many as 8 categories, improving its last year’s achievements. Asseco has maintained its leading position in the...

Asseco Group is the largest Polish IT industry player

With more than PLN 7.2 billion in sales revenues, Asseco Group took the first place in the category “The largest IT group in Poland” of “ITwiz Best 100” report summing up the results for 2015. Moreover, Asseco Poland...