Press Releases

Asseco awarded the title of the "Polish Cheetah" by Wprost

Asseco has been awarded the title of the "Polish Cheetah" by the weekly "Wprost". The company has taken the 18th place in the list of 50 fastest growing companies. The rank has been prepared on the basis of this year's...

Asseco's mobile token will ensure the security of banking transactions

Asseco has developed a modern mobile application for convenient and secure authorization of online banking transactions - mToken Asseco MAA, which is available for download in Google Play and AppStore. Owing to the...

Asseco will develop a system to support farmers in KRUS

Asseco has signed an agreement with the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS) for the maintenance and development of the Workflow system, which is a central component of the Integrated Information System (ZSI)...

Asseco has launched a banking system in Vietnam

The Asseco Group has implemented a modern system for Internet and mobile banking - Asseco Customer Banking Platform - in Orient Commercial Bank in Vietnam. It is another large project on the Asian continent carried out...

Asseco a laureate of the "Investors without Frontiers" competition

Asseco Poland was awarded in the "Investors without Frontiers" competition. The award was granted on May 14, during the first day of the European Economic Congress. The competition took into account foreign investors in...

Asseco among the largest Polish companies in the "Wprost" list

Asseco was ranked 22nd on the list of 200 largest Polish companies prepared by the weekly "Wprost". The rank took into account revenues, profits, assets and equity for 2017, among other factors.

Asseco awarded the title of the Best Employer

Asseco Poland was awarded the "Best Employer of the Year" title by Gazeta Finansowa. Thus, the company was among the top 15 employers who received these prestigious awards. The ranking took into account the benefits...

Asseco ABP awarded by Global Finance

Asseco Poland has received an award in the international contest "Innovators 2018". The company has been awarded by Global Finance magazine for the Asseco Advisory Banking Platform (Asseco ABP) system, which provides...

Informacja o przedłużeniu terminu składania ofert w ramach ogłoszonego Zapytania ofertowego nr 4/2018 z dnia 12.04.2018 r.

W związku z realizacją projektu pod nazwą „Utworzenie Centrum B+R w celu opracowywania autorskich technologii i produktów przez pierwszą, międzynarodową Grupę Kapitałową z polskim kapitałem, działającą w sektorze ICT”,...

Asseco Group Product Review – Asseco International and IT trends

On April 18-19, the Asseco Group Product Review was held in Bratislava. This is the third edition of this international press conference addressed to the most important business and IT media from the countries in which...

Asseco will implement AUMS Digital in the largest Serbian energy company

The quality of customer service is one of the key factors which determines the competitive advantage of companies, also from the energy sector. Creating positive experiences, taking care of details in contact with...

Asseco the laureate of the World Energy Leaders competition

Asseco received an award in the Energy World Leaders competition in the "Provider of the Solutions for the Sector" category. The award ceremony took place on April 4, during the "Energy and Production World Leaders"...