Press Releases

30 Years Since the First Session on the WSE

How has the IPO on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) affected the development of Asseco, how has the company managed to expand its business on international markets, and what has made the company achieve such good...

Asseco PST acquires majority stake in Finantech

Asseco PST has just acquired a majority stake in the equity of Finantech, a company headquartered in Porto specialized in software solutions for capital markets. The deal involved the purchase of 76% of the equity of...

Asseco and Chmura Krajowa create Cloud for Health

Asseco Poland and Chmura Krajowa (Domestic Cloud) are establishing a company called Krajowy Operator Chmury Medycznej (Cloud for Health), which will aim to digitize healthcare and enable medical units to provide...

Dynamic development and growing role of digitization - Asseco summarizes its 2020 results

In 2020, Asseco generated sales revenues of PLN 12.2 billion, up by 14% versus 2019. The sales of proprietary products and IT services increased, compared to the previous year, by 11% and amounted to PLN 9.6 billion....

Asseco PST and Dell, a solid partnership in Angola

Angola continues to be a strategic market for Asseco PST, with more than two dozen customers in the country. Relationships with reference partners, such as Dell Technologies, has made it possible to leverage joint...

Two new projects in Digital Transformation

Asseco PST recently won contracts for two more challenging projects in the digital sector in Mozambique and Angola. This investment in the future, made by the two banks under our brand, proves the importance of digital...

Asseco Central Europe continues its expansion on the international digital insurance market

Software company Asseco Central Europe has concluded another cooperation agreement with Youplus Insurance International AG, a Liechtenstein insurance company, for the next four years. The agreement they have signed...

New milestone achieved on cybersecurity partnership between Togo and Asseco

As part of the cooperation between Asseco and the Togolese Republic, the joint-venture company Cyber Defense Africa (CDA) is fully operational and has launched its (Computer Emergency Response Team) services....

Asseco's 30th birthday!

When 30 years ago Adam Góral founded one of the first IT startups in Poland, he believed that the future of IT was software. He was right! Today, Asseco is not only the largest IT company in Poland and Central and...

Peter Macus: First private 5G campus network in favour of the industrial revolution

CEIT recently announced that in cooperation with the largest Slovak operator Slovak Telekom, it is planning a joint project to build a 5G private campus network on the premises of its R&D Centre in Zilina, Slovakia. We...

We think globally, act locally - new companies of the Asseco Group

Asseco has just celebrated its thirtieth birthday. We started as a handful of people and today we are the largest IT company in Poland and in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. This success would not have been...

Technology for business, solutions for people we present 17 innovative projects of Asseco Group

The role of computer science has never been more important than it is now. The year 2020 has redefined the impact of digitisation of individual sectors on the economy - not only in terms of process automation, but also...