Press Releases

Asseco continues dynamic growth with double-digit increase of results after three quarters of 2021

After three quarters of 2021, Asseco generated sales revenues of PLN 10.3 billion, up by 18% year-on-year. Sales of proprietary IT products and services accounted for 79% of total revenues and reached PLN 8.1 billion....

Asseco the largest Polish IT company in Central and Eastern Europe according to TOP 500 CEE ranking

Asseco is again the highest ranked Polish IT company in the TOP 500 CEE ranking prepared by Coface. At the same time, the company moved up 15 places in comparison to last year's ranking and 34 places in comparison to the...

Asseco will make aerial maps of Nigeria's Lagos state using unmanned systems

Asseco will make aerial maps of the entire Lagos State using the previously supplied unmanned systems equipped with Asseco GCS (Ground Control Station) software. The project is a continuation of cooperation with the...

Asseco with the Top Brand title

Asseco has been ranked second in the category of software vendors in the "Top Brand 2021" ranking prepared by the Press magazine and Press Service media monitoring. Thereby, the company is included in the group of 500...

Zbigniew Jagiełło Person of the Year 2021

The editors of portal awarded Zbigniew Jagiełło with the prize for the Person of the Year. It is awarded to the most innovative people who look at the business in an un-schematic, open and modern way, setting...

Asseco among the 100 largest Polish private companies

Asseco was ranked 11th in the "100 largest Polish private companies" list prepared by the Forbes magazine. The company, whose revenues in 2020 exceeded PLN 12 billion, owes its success, among other things, to its...

Adam Góral among the most valuable managers of listed companies

Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet published the Martis Consulting report "Valuation of Polish Managers". Among the most valuable presidents of the stock exchange companies was Adam Góral, CEO of Asseco Poland, who took 14th...

Asseco among the world's top employers in 2021

Asseco is the only IT company from Poland to be included in the "World's Best Employers 2021" list published by the Forbes magazine. The ranking includes 750 companies from around the world, which were recognized as the...

Asseco among largest CIT payers in IT sector

Asseco paid over PLN 26.5 million in CIT in 2020. Thus, it was ranked 3rd on the list of the "Largest CIT payers" among technology companies with revenues exceeding EUR 50 million. The list was prepared by "Puls Biznesu"...

Asseco Poland creates Asseco Cloud and develops cloud services

Asseco Poland has established a new company, Asseco Cloud, to support its clients in the design, implementation and operation of cloud solutions. The company was established by combining several organizational units...

Three Asseco Group companies among top Polish private dividend payers

Having paid out a record-high dividend of over PLN 258 million, Asseco Poland was ranked 6th in the ranking of "Poland's Largest Private Dividend Payers 2021" prepared by Forbes magazine. The Company has been consistentl...

Asseco Customer Intelligence awarded by Lendtech Foundation

Asseco has received a special award for its contribution to the development of the digital lending ecosystem, outstanding achievements, and positive impact on the lendtech sector in Poland. The company has been awarded...