PostInfo Gets a Contract from TK Telekom
TK Telekom company is going to implement the FRED system that supports management of interconnect voice traffic and offers anti-fraud functionality. Software and services of PostInfo, an Asseco Group company, have been chosen from among competitive solutions in a tender procedure.
Our solution was selected thanks to the scope of functionality offered, competitive price and the PostInfo’s experience in development and implementation of such tools. One of the most attractive functions of this solution is its ability to detect irregularities, anomalies, and abusive practices.
“Selection of PostInfo confirms the Asseco Group companies offer high-quality services suitable also for smaller-sized enterprises, and proves we are able to adapt to their specific requirements” – emphasizes Radosław Semkło, Vice President of PostInfo and Vice Director of Telecommunication and Media Division at Asseco Poland.
The FRED Revenue Protection System is a modern product among the systems to support providers of telecommunication and data transmission services. It is used to secure revenues of a service provider and protect its key account clients. Its main element is FMS FRED (Fraud Management System) that is designed to detect errors and abuses in the traffic among subscribers and operators.
TK Telekom is one of the largest operators of backbone networks in Poland, both in terms of the network size and bandwidth. It has got over 6,000 kilometres of fibre-optic cables and 22,000 kilometres of copper cables, while its transport network capacity reaches 1.7 Tbit/s.
PostInfo is a subsidiary of the Asseco Group and it cooperates with the Telecommunication and Media Division at Asseco Poland, which has since June 2010 implemented a contract for the TP Group in the Vendor Consolidation formula in the scope of development and maintenance of Billing and Reporting systems. Asseco Poland is the only Polish company cooperating with the TP Group in such business formula.