Press Releases

Cryptocurrency fraud, attacks related to the war in Ukraine and Artificial Intelligence in the hands of cybercriminals

The number of cyber attacks increased by an average of 25% year-on-year, according to data from ComCERT of the Asseco Group. Security investment was on average one-third higher in most organizations. Experts emphasize...

Asseco invites you to the Trusted Economy Forum!

Meet with experts and learn how to safely make a digital transformation How can technology be used to address today's economic challenges, including rising energy prices, disrupted supply chains and a shortage of...
Asseco liderem firm IT na „Liście 2000” Rzeczpospolitej

Asseco the leader of IT companies on the "List of 2000" of Rzeczpospolita

Asseco is once again the highest ranked company in the "IT, telecommunications, new media" category in the "List of 2000" ranking prepared by the editors of the "Rzeczpospolita" daily. The list is compiled on the basis...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration's Health Resort in Sopot handled more than 410,000 medical events during the year thanks to cloud-based EDM from Asseco

According to the Health Ministry, in 2023, outlays for health care are planned at PLN 157.3 billion, or 6 percent of GDP. Some of these funds will be used to implement digital tools. They facilitate the work of medical...

Asseco among largest Polish private investors abroad for another year in a row

Asseco has been ranked 6th on the "List of the 30 Largest Polish Private Investors Abroad" prepared by the editors of Forbes magazine. Thus, it is the highest ranked technology company in the list. In 2021, foreign sales...

Asseco the largest software manufacturer on the "List of 500"

Asseco has once again been included in the "List of 500" ranking of the largest companies in Poland, which is prepared by the editors of the Rzeczpospolita daily. In the 14th edition of the list, the company was ranked...

Asseco's results for three quarters of 2022 - stable growth and further business diversification in international markets

After three quarters of 2022, Asseco achieved PLN 12.8 bn (EUR 2.7 bn) in sales revenues, which marked an increase by 24% year-on-year. Sales of proprietary products and IT services increased by 22% and amounted to PLN...

Asseco once again tops the IT@Bank ranking

Asseco Poland has once again won the top prize in the IT@Bank ranking prepared by the Financial Monthly "Bank". The company maintained the 1st place with a large point advantage over the next companies. In addition,...

Asseco's modern reconnaissance drones in the Polish army

As part of the execution of a tender for the Polish Army, Asseco has put 6 Mayfly Unmanned Aerial System kits into service for the army. Each set consists of 4 drones, as well as a command and control station with...

Asseco the IT company with the largest foreign sales according to "Forbes" magazine

Asseco ranked 5th in the "Top Polish Exporters 2022" list prepared by the editors of Forbes magazine. At the same time, it is the highest ranked IT company in the list. Asseco, whose business is based on a federation...

Asseco a "TOP Brand" according to "Press" magazine another year in a row

Asseco was ranked 4th in the category of software manufacturers in the "Top Brand 2022" ranking prepared by Press magazine and PSMM Monitoring & More. Thus, it is the most popular Polish IT company in this category. The...

Asseco one of the 100 largest Polish private companies according to Forbes ranking

Asseco, with PLN 14.5 billion in revenues, was ranked 15th in the "100 Largest Polish Private Companies 2022" list prepared by Forbes magazine. Asseco is not only the largest Polish IT group, but one of the leading...