Merger of Asseco Poland and ABG
On 4 January 2010, the District Court in Rzeszów registered the merger of Asseco Poland SA with ABG SA. Since now the company resulting from the merger shall operate under the name of Asseco Poland SA with registered seat located in Rzeszów.
This amalgamation is a part of the Asseco's policy that assumes streamlining and simplification of the Group's legal and organizational structure. The combination will enhance the business potential of the merged Asseco Poland and ABG. The leading information technology resources in Poland will be integrated in order to broaden the range and multitude of products and services offered. The merger will complement and boost our competence in IT solutions and make it possible to reinforce the competitive position of Asseco Poland both domestically and internationally.
Owing to the combination of Asseco Poland and ABG, the Group's organizational structure in Poland has become very transparent with three business centres having separate responsibilities:
1) Asseco Poland – the parent company:
• Financial sector (banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses, investment and pension funds);
• Public institutions (social security, central administration, local self-government administration, healthcare, uniformed services, international organizations);
• Industry, trade and services (power industry, gas industry, municipal utilities, telecommunication, production and trade enterprises).
2) Asseco Business Solutions – enterprises sector – mostly small and medium-sized enterprises.
3) Asseco Systems – IT integrator providing services to all the companies of the Asseco Group in Poland.