Press Releases

Asseco Poland among the largest CIT payers in the ICT sector

The Ministry of Finance has published an updated list of the largest CIT payers in Poland. The list also includes Asseco Poland with an amount of PLN 24.1 million. All Asseco companies in Poland paid PLN 43 million to...

Asseco with cloud solution for telecommunications

Asseco Poland, with the support of technology partners - IBM, Google Cloud and Red Hat - has created a new model of the Asseco Convergent Services Environment platform (Asseco CSE). For the first time on the Polish...

Asseco at the top of the "ITwiz Best 100" ranking

Asseco has become a leader in 6 categories of the "ITwiz Best 100" ranking, which is a list of the largest IT companies in Poland. For another year in a row, the company has been ranked 1st in the categories of companies...

Asseco has launched application for health monitoring by patients

Asseco has launched the "Moje Pomiary" mobile application for self-monitoring of patients' health. It allows to collect and update data on various health parameters. Additionally, thanks to the integration with the...

Asseco awarded twice by Global Finance

Asseco Customer Intelligence is an analytical system which, on the basis of data collected in systems and observation of the client's activities in electronic channels, identifies the client's expectations and recommends...

Asseco Central Europe - leader of the Slovakian IT market

The Asseco Group’s company won in three categories of this year's "Information Technology Trend TOP" ranking prepared by the Slovak economic weekly "Trend". Asseco Central Europe maintained its leading position in the...

Asseco strengthens its competence in the public administration sector

On July 1, 2020, SKG, a member of the Asseco Group, was incorporated into the structures of Asseco Poland. The combined experience and potential of both companies will translate into enhanced competence in the area of IT...

Asseco awarded in the Leader 2019 contest

CUI.Ubezpieczenia, a solution developed by Asseco in cooperation with AXA, was awarded in the "Insurance" category in the "2019 Leader" competition organized by Gazeta Bankowa. The platform is dedicated to cooperative...

Asseco among the most important companies for Poland

Asseco has been included in the list of 12 leading IT and telecommunications companies prepared by the editors of the Rzeczpospolita daily. The company's position in the ranking has been ensured by its revenues, which in...

Asseco the R&D leader by Rzeczpospolita

The amount of nearly PLN 900 million has been allocated by Asseco for research and development. Thus, it has been ranked 1st in the list of companies with the highest R&D spending, prepared by the Rzeczpospolita daily.

Asseco the leader of the Polish IT market according to Computerworld TOP200

Asseco has won in 7 categories of the Computerworld TOP200 report, which is a comprehensive survey of the Polish IT market. Thus, the company has become the leader of this ranking.

Asseco helps hospitals serve COVID-19 patients

"Together Against COVID" is a package of IT tools made available to medical institutions free of charge by Asseco Poland S.A.. The prepared IT solutions improve the management in case of a diagnosis or suspicion of...