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EU Funds for Wilanów IT Center in Warsaw

Asseco Poland S.A. was granted over 31.1 million zlotys from the European Regional Development Fund, under the Operational Program Innovative Economy, to subsidize the construction and equipment for the Wilanów IT Center in Warsaw. 

The reimbursement is intended to compensate for the costs of construction and equipping of a modern IT Center building. The IT Competence Centre, established under the project, will foster the development of proprietary software and IT solutions to be implemented in the sectors of banking and finance, insurance, public administration and healthcare as well as in industrial enterprises.

The Warsaw-based IT Center is being built at the territory of Wilanów Office Park. The project estimated value exceeds PLN 200 million, of which almost PLN 80 million have been allocated for the purchase of land. The building was designed by Hermanowicz Rewski Architects who are specialized in the creation of non-conventional designs.  The general contractor is AWBUD construction company. The building will comprise of three overground storeys and two underground garage storeys. This modern structure, matching the Warsaw modernist architecture, will feature five segments linked together with a high glazed atrium hall. According to the schedule, the building will be put into use in the second quarter of 2012 which is exactly 20 months after the commencement of the construction work.
