Press Releases

Dynamic development and growing role of digitization - Asseco summarizes its 2020 results

In 2020, Asseco generated sales revenues of PLN 12.2 billion, up by 14% versus 2019. The sales of proprietary products and IT services increased, compared to the previous year, by 11% and amounted to PLN 9.6 billion....

Asseco's 30th birthday!

When 30 years ago Adam Góral founded one of the first IT startups in Poland, he believed that the future of IT was software. He was right! Today, Asseco is not only the largest IT company in Poland and Central and...

We think globally, act locally - new companies of the Asseco Group

Asseco has just celebrated its thirtieth birthday. We started as a handful of people and today we are the largest IT company in Poland and in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. This success would not have been...

Technology for business, solutions for people we present 17 innovative projects of Asseco Group

The role of computer science has never been more important than it is now. The year 2020 has redefined the impact of digitisation of individual sectors on the economy - not only in terms of process automation, but also...

Asseco the highest ranked IT company on the "List of 2000"

Asseco was ranked 26th in the ranking of 2000 largest Polish companies prepared by the editors of the Rzeczpospolita daily. In 2019, the company achieved revenues in excess of PLN 10 billion, and its net result was over...

Asseco has implemented advanced, one-time electronic signature in Santander Consumer Bank

The conclusion of credit agreements at Santander Consumer Bank has been accelerated by 30% thanks to a one-time electronic signature. Asseco is responsible for implementing trust services and providing full support,...

Digital bank in 6 days! Build or renovate? - summary of the Asseco Banking Forum 2020

This will be a discussion about the future, about how banking will change, said Adam Góral, President of Asseco Poland, opening the 6th edition of the Asseco Banking Forum. The subject of this year's conference was a...

Digital bank in 6 days! To build or renovate? - Asseco Banking Forum 2020

The old and universal dilemma - to build or renovate - nowadays gains a new dimension and a new meaning. How quickly can a digital bank be created today and how should it be understood? Do the digital bank and the...

Asseco the largest IT company in Poland according to "Gazeta Finansowa"

Aseeco, with revenues exceeding PLN 10 billion, has been listed in the Top 30 of the "1000 largest companies in Poland" ranking prepared by Gazeta Finansowa. Therefore, it is the highest ranked IT company in this list.

Adam Góral awarded President of the Year title by Parkiet

The President of Asseco has won the "Bulls and Bears" contest in the "President of the Year" category. For the 26th time, the editorial staff of Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów Parkiet has awarded prizes to the most important...

Asseco's response to coronavirus pandemic

At the investor conference, during which the financial results for 2019 and Asseco's development prospects were discussed, Adam Góral, President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland, referred, among others, to the...

Dynamic development and consolidated revenues reaching PLN 10.7 billion – Asseco’s financial results in 2019

For the first time in history, Asseco's revenues exceeded PLN 10 billion. Sales in 2019 increased by 14.4% to PLN 10.7 billion, while operating profit went up to PLN 976 million, by 22.5% versus 2018. The Group developed...