
Cooperative Banks have everything under control, thanks to APMS

Asseco has launched the Audit Planning and Management System (APMS) dedicated to Cooperative Banks. It is the only solution available in the market that provides comprehensive support for the management of internal control and audit processes at Cooperative Banks.

The system facilitates the preparation of an audit plan based on the analysis of risks, while enabling standardization and supporting the implementation and monitoring of internal controls. It ensures quick and easy access to full documentation of performed controls, and provides assistance in preparing complete information on the bank’s regulatory compliance. Moreover, the system automates the monitoring of audit follow-up actions, and helps minimize the cost of compliance with Recommendation H of the Financial Supervision Authority.

Asseco APMS operates in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, therefore meeting the requirements of Recommendation H of the Financial Supervision Authority and the Public Finance Act.
