
Asseco's new platform goes operational at BOŚ Bank

Asseco has launched a mobile banking system based on Asseco Customer Banking Platform (Asseco CBP) for Bank Ochrony Środowiska. The bank’s customers will be able to use the service online, at any place and time, and gain access to the boutique of mini-applications.

The service may be accessed through web browsers and, thanks to the applied RWD (Responsive Web Design) technology, it automatically adapts its display to the currently used device. Furthermore, the bank’s customers have been provided with a choice of 7 mini-applications: Accounts, Payments, Top-ups, Cash deposits, Cards, Loans, FX rates.

Additional functionalities of the banking service include searching for bank branches and making a quick contact with the Call Center, which are supported by applications downloadable from online stores, such as GooglePlay and AppStore.

“This has been another successful implementation of our new system called Asseco CBP,” said Sławomir Ziajka, Vice Director of the Commercial Banks Division. “The newly developed solution constitutes a significant element of our product portfolio. It is our response to the needs of omni-channel strategy which is implemented by more and more banks,” he added.

 Asseco’s task within this project was to supply, install and configure the system, as well as to train the bank’s employees. In addition, the company supported the software parameterization and provided assistance during the system testing and operational launch. Implementation of the project took slightly more than 5 months (from the contract execution date till the availability for all customers of the bank).
