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Asseco Poland successfully conducts a simultaneous migration of 1TB of data for TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE

Asseco Poland has carried out the migration of a database containing more than one billion records on 1.15 million customers, by the Big Bang method. This is the first simultaneous migration conducted on such a large scale in the Polish power industry.

The whole project lasted 18 months. Whereas, the migration itself – from the transfer of databases to the operational launch of the entire solution – took just 12 days. The process covered 1TB of data and 8 operational support systems used by TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE (including billing, contract management, accounting, payments, reporting, and measuring devices management), described in 1400 implemented business processes. This migration allowed for Poland's first full unbundling, i.e. separation of databases of the electricity distributor and seller.

"The Big Bang method entails a greater risk, but we decided to apply it in order to save both time and money. This complex, high-risk project has been executed with extreme diligence, which proves Asseco has all the necessary know-how to centralize such extensive billing systems," said Andrzej Balsamski, Director of IT Services Centre at TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE Sp. z o.o. (TAURON Group).

Asseco effectively eliminated the risks associated with simultaneous migration of all the data. We have adopted a special testing model, consisting of several iterations of trial migrations, which made it possible to identify potential hazards, which were not recognized at the data analysis stage, and consequently avoid any undesirable events that might cause an interruption of the client's customer services. Various testing activities consumed tens of thousands of hours. Each test was analyzed on the basis of specially prepared scenarios. The company created task teams that eradicated any faults and improved the application on a daily basis. Such commitment was a key element conditioning the successful implementation of the project.

"Our previous projects for the centralization of billing systems were realized through the sequential filling of databases. The project performed for TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE involved the largest amount of data migrated using the Big Bang method in the Polish power industry. The database was not divided as in the sequential migration method. Data on more than a million electricity consumers as well as all outstanding transactions were transferred simultaneously," explained Piotr Kępiński, Project Manager on the part of Asseco Poland S.A.

The centralization of billing systems at TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE involved the solutions applied for billing medium and small-sized businesses and individual customers. The new system will serve 1,150,000 electricity consumers and was implemented during one and a half years. So far, no Polish company has managed to implement such a large system in such a short period.

"We made a decision that Asseco's solutions we used for billing large and small-sized enterprises should be extended to serve individual customers as well. This process involved the migration of eight systems," commented Karol Janosz, Vice President at TAURON Obsługa Klienta GZE Sp. z o.o. (TAURON Group).

Asseco Poland S.A. is a stable, global partner with a strong position in the local market. The company continually develops IT products for the energy sector and maintains a team of nearly 200 professionals with many years of proven experience.

"We invest in products, and we invest in our professional team. Owing to such approach, our specialists, having completed an implementation project, do not go back to their daily routines just as hired consultants, but continue to work with the client under suitable maintenance and development agreements. Our products will be implemented also abroad. Especially with such client references," emphasized Tomasz Bendlewski, Director of Energy, Gas and Utilities Division at Asseco Poland S.A.
