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Asseco Poland signs a contract to implement a billing system in Ethiopia. The largest Polish IT implementation in Africa.

On 13 March 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Asseco Poland and an Ethiopian government agency, namely the Information Network Security Agency (INSA), signed an agreement to jointly execute a project aiming to lay foundations for a modern energy market in Ethiopia. The contract value amounts to nearly USD 10 million and the project shall be completed by end of 2015.

Construction of a modern energy market is of strategic importance to the Ethiopian economy. It will be created based on Asseco’s proprietary AUMS software as well as extensive know-how in IT solutions for the energy sector. Thus Asseco Poland has a chance to play a significant role in the development of information technology in Ethiopia and across Africa, and furthermore demonstrate to this continent that Poland is a country of innovative technologies which can be successfully implemented in the rapidly developing African economies.

“Asseco’s cooperation with the Ethiopian government is strongly supported by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is a perfect example of how our diplomatic services get involved in promoting the Polish economy on global markets. I would especially like to thank Jacek Jankowski, Polish Ambassador to Ethiopia and the Embassy staff. Without their commitment, we would not be able to conduct so many fruitful meetings with ministers and representatives of the Ethiopian Government as well as representatives of the African Union. The Ambassador’s presence not only raised the rank of these meetings, but also aroused greater interest among our partners,” emphasizes Adam Góral, President and CEO of Asseco Poland.

The concluded “INSA 2.0 Energy Enterprise Management System Development and Implementation Agreement” and “ERP Solution Advisory Services Agreement” both provide for the cooperation of Asseco and INSA in the area of implementing a software solution that is required to set up a modern energy market in Ethiopia. For this purpose, Asseco will deliver and launch a comprehensive IT system able to manage the power consumption readings, based on its proprietary Asseco Utility Management Solutions (AUMS). In addition, Asseco will provide advisory services associated with the development of ERP software, and it will also share the necessary knowledge and IT technologies in order to enable INSA build a modern energy market.

“Cooperation with Ethiopia is strategically important for the expansion of our product family of Asseco Utility Management Solutions into foreign markets. We achieved a remarkable success which is the first measurable effect of our sales efforts in the African market. This project is also a great opportunity for further expansion of Asseco in Africa, not only in the power industry,” says Paweł Piwowar, Vice President of Asseco Poland.

AUMS Billing is Asseco’s flagship product for the power industry, which has been tested at the IBM software laboratory in Singapore, and successfully implemented for Tauron Group, PGNiG Group, and Polkomtel, just to mention a few. Asseco Poland has implemented numerous projects for the energy industry for over a dozen years. The company’s engineers designed and implemented state-of-the-art IT systems for most of the energy companies in Poland. We always work with our clients on a partnership basis. We provide assistance in creating new solutions, right from the inception of a new idea up to its realization. Asseco is a reliable partner not only in designing IT solutions, but also offers know-how and experience in planning organizational changes, as well as development of new processes and operating methods for our clients. Asseco Poland leverages on the internationally recognized models to improve efficiency of enterprises. These models have been adapted to the specific IT market needs and modified based on our experience gained during the implementation of complex projects for corporate clients.
