  • PL
  • EN

Asseco Poland reinforces cooperation with mobile operator Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa

In June 2011, Asseco Poland received from Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (PTC) a contract to design and implement a mass communication tool for mobile and electronic channels. The solution is intended for business and institutional customers of PTC.

The new information system dedicated to PTC is being created in the Java Enterprise Edition technology and fully integrates with the operator's key service platforms and IT systems. Asseco Poland is responsible for the technical design of this solution and user interface, as well as for development, implementation and maintenance of the system.

Asseco Poland has cooperated with PTC, T-Mobile's phone network operator, on the basis of a framework agreement concluded in 2003. One area of cooperation involves the implementation of information technology systems to support sales and provision of value-added services for the business market. 
