Asseco named the „International Champion”

Asseco won the main distinction in the "Investor - Large Enterprises" category in the 9th edition of the “Polish Company - International Champion” competition. The jury recognized the intensive activities of the company, which in 30 years has grown from a local startup employing a few people to a global capital group present in 60 countries, employing 27,000 people and generating revenues of nearly USD 3 billion. The competition is organized by PwC and Puls Biznesu.

Our federated model has allowed us to attract many IT companies from different countries to the Group and create a local counterbalance to global IT providers. We are now the largest Polish IT company in the CEE region and an international player with a presence on 5 continents. Foreign markets currently account for nearly 90% of our revenues. We operate as a group of companies present all over the world, specializing in different areas of IT. We are united by common business goals, but most importantly by vision, values and partnership relations, and we build the value of our group on this, said Adam Góral, President of Asseco Poland.

Asseco is not slowing down, with more than a dozen new companies that joined the Group in 2020 alone from the Israeli, American and European markets.

The purpose of the “Polish Company - International Champion” competition is to honor companies that boldly go out into the global market, take risks in investment and create innovative products and services - both those that have been operating in the international environment for a long time and newcomers.
