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Asseco Awarded as the Top Innovator of 2011

The Institute of Economics at the Polish Academy of Sciences prepared a ranking of Poland's most innovative companies. Subsequently, Wprost weekly magazine awarded twenty-one of them with the Innovator of 2011 statuettes.

Asseco Poland was named the fourth most innovative Polish company, while Asseco South Eastern Europe took a high, eleventh place.

"The creation of proprietary software applications requires a continuing commitment to conceptual and development work, especially that Asseco Poland generates as much as 64% of total revenues from the sale of own software and services. We also appreciate the importance of academic knowledge in creating our innovative solutions. Therefore, we cooperate with numerous universities and research institutes. Such collaboration usually results in the development of purely commercial solutions such as one of the constituent modules of our flagship banking suite def3000, namely Sales Agent Workflow that was built in cooperation with the Rzeszów University of Technology," said Katarzyna Drewnowska, Asseco Poland S.A.

The winner of this year's innovation ranking was Polpharma that allocates nearly 6% of its total revenues to R&D work. In aggregate, Wprost weekly awarded twenty-one of Poland's most innovative companies, often owned by the richest Polish businessmen, which were all included in the ranking of the Institute of Economics at the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Innovative Companies constitute a cycle of magazine supplements published by Wprost weekly in 2011. The ranking was compiled on the basis of the list of 500 most innovative companies in Poland as prepared by Institute of Economics at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
