Asseco among the investor relations leaders

Asseco Poland is among the leaders in investor relations according to the largest survey in Poland conducted by the Parkiet newspaper and the Chamber of Brokerage Houses among the companies from the WIG30 index. The list takes into account the ratings from questionnaires filled in by readers and individual investors. Asseco holds 2nd place in it.
Investor relations should involve a proactive approach - the participation in investor meetings and conferences in Poland and abroad. It is important to try to anticipate which topics may be of interest to investors at a given moment. Our freefloat, i.e. the share of shareholders holding less than 5% of stake in Asseco Poland, is currently about 65%. Individual investors constitute a strong representation in this group. In communication we focus on online channels. We can see that such tools as social media or video content reach small shareholders in the shortest possible time and are most often observed by them. They expect the most up-to-date and cross-sectional information, which allows not only for the analysis of financial results, but also for a better understanding of Asseco's business operations. We are an expert in a very innovative IT sector and we want to share this knowledge with investors. Last year we engaged our managers in the communication with the market. A series of videos was created in which the heads of our individual business areas talk about ongoing projects, development plans, opportunities and challenges. On our investor website we also publish recordings with comments from members of the Management Board on the financial results after each quarter, said Katarzyna Szczepaniak-Piętka, Investor Relations Manager, Asseco Poland.