Press Releases

Security and innovation in banking are equally important for almost 50% of large companies in Poland

Corporate banking clients expect banks to provide them with a comprehensive offer, a quick response to their needs and good advice. However, the basic and most important issue for them is security. For almost half of...

Asseco in the group of Innovators 2018, according to Global Finance Magazine

Asseco Poland has won a prestigious award in the international competition "Innovators 2018" organizes by American magazine Global Finance. The company has received a distinction in the Smart Queue Platforms category for...

What will be the banking of the future? - Summary of the Asseco Banking Forum 2018

The development of non-banking services and modern customer service platforms, as well as the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in banking systems - these are the selected topics of the Asseco Banking Forum. This...

Asseco the leader among IT suppliers according to the Book of Lists ranking

Asseco took the first place in the Book of Lists ranking among software vendors and IT integrators. The list prepared by the editors of the Warsaw Business Journal weekly took into account the total revenues for 2017.

Asseco has developed a system for forecasting customer behavior on the Internet

The analysis of customer behaviour in the digital world plays an increasingly more important role in the sale of products and services. The experts from Forrester Research1 are predicting that the profits that companies...

Asseco awarded the Eagle by "Wprost"

Asseco was awarded the prestigious title of the "Eagle of the Podkarpackie Region" on September 10 during the official gala of the weekly "Wprost" which took place in Rzeszów. The Company was awarded in the Business...

Asseco will launch an information system on the power grid in Hamburg

Asseco will provide an integrated power grid information system (iNIS) for Stromnetz Hamburg - the second-largest operator of the municipal energy distribution network in Germany. The implementation will be based on the...

The Asseco Group's results in the first half of 2018 - record-breaking revenues and profit growth in key areas of operations

In the first half of 2018, the Asseco Group recorded very good financial results. The sales revenues increased by 7% on annual basis to over PLN 4.4 billion, the operating profit went up by 20% to over PLN 371 million...

Halyk Bank Georgia implemented Asseco omnichannel solution for e-banking

Asseco has successfully accomplished first phase of implementation retail e-banking services in Halyk Bank Georgia. It is based on omnichannel system Asseco Customer Banking Platform. The solution is available for...

Asseco Opens a training center for operators of Unmanned Vehicles in Nigeria

Asseco has opened a certified training center for operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) along with a maintenance center in Nigeria. The Company has already conducted first training sessions for the operators. The...

Asseco has signed a framework agreement with ZUS

Asseco Poland has signed a framework agreement with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) for the modification and development of the Comprehensive IT System (KSI ZUS). The contract worth almost PLN 350 million gross...

Asseco the leader in 7 categories of the ITwiz Best 100 report

Asseco ranked 1st in as many as 7 categories of this year's "ITwiz Best 100" report summarizing the results for 2017. The company is the leader in terms of sales revenues on the Polish market.