Press Releases

Asseco has developed a new tool for stock exchange investors

Stock market investors expect trading platforms to be fully customizable and tailored to their needs. As recent research shows, they are more likely to use attractively designed applications. Companies which offer this...

Asseco and Oracle join forces in the power industry

Asseco Poland and Oracle Corporation have concluded an agreement under which Asseco's state-of-the-art applications for the utilities sector will be sold in the Oracle cloud. The solutions from the Asseco Utility...

E-signature by Asseco enters the health market

Electronic documentation has become not only a legal requirement, but can also improve the efficiency of a medical facility. Therefore, the network of rehabilitation clinics and nursing homes ORPEA Polska has decided to...

Quick access to medical records with Asseco's app

Today's patients want to have quick access to their current health data. What counts for them is time, quality and safety of medical services, so it is not surprising that the market of health applications has been...

The Asseco 360⁰ solutions for the power industry at „E-world Energy &Water”

At this year's „E-world Energy &Water” trade fair in Essen, the Asseco Group will present its latest solutions for the power sector. Asseco Poland's and Asseco BERIT's experts will present, among others, software for...

Asseco opens new R&D department

Asseco has established a new R&D department in its structures - Asseco Innovation Hub (AIH) - which will deal with the development of innovative products and services. AIH will focus on finding and supporting innovative...

Asseco Group enters the Philippine market

Asseco has acquired over 60% of shares in Nextbank Software Sp. z o.o., a company from Kraków, which provides solutions to the banking sector in the Philippines. The company is a manufacturer of a core banking system...

Asseco wins the "Innovative Company 2018" title awarded by Gazeta Finansowa

Asseco received the title of "Innovative Company 2018" in the IT sector awarded by Gazeta Finansowa. The company was recognized for Asseco Enterprise Banking Platform (Asseco EBP) dedicated to the financial sector. The...

PLN 6.7 billion in revenues and increased profits in key areas - results of the Asseco Group after the third quarter of 2018

In the first three quarters of 2018, the Asseco Group achieved an increase in revenues and operating profit in all business segments. The Group's revenues amounted to PLN 6.7 billion, 82% of which were generated from the...

Asseco presented its new range of systems at the European Utility Week in Vienna

During the international trade fair European Utility Week in Vienna, which took place on November 6-8, 2018, Asseco's experts presented the latest solutions for the power sector from the AUMS and SAMO lines. The event...

Asseco strengthens its leading position in the IT@BANK ranking

Asseco took the first place in the IT@BANK main ranking and maintained its leading position among IT companies providing software for banks. The competition was organized by Miesięcznik Finansowy Bank. The awards...

Asseco - the IT brand with the highest media coverage on the Polish market

Asseco won the Top Brand 2018 ranking in the category of software producers. The list was prepared by Press Magazine and PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów. It is the largest ranking of this type including the brands with...